Sunday, April 06, 2008

Bathroom Adventures, Do Not Exit, and My thoughts.

To begin this epic tale we need to turn back the clock to early last week. I was at work and M called me up to tell me how her first doctors appointment went, or so I thought. She was calling to ask me where our mini toilet snake was. I told her that it had fallen behind the washer and dryer. She told me that I'm not going to believe what Adrian did with the toilet. He had taken off the roll of toilet paper and flushed the long plastic spring holder down the toilet. M told me that when I got home I had the task to dig out the snake out from behind the dyer, and get the holder out of the toilet. It occurred to me that was not a task I would enjoy, so I called our apartment manager, and asked if she could help us out. Luckily for me I had called her because she was able to get him to come over. Later that afternoon M called back asking if I had called for the maintenance guy to come over. She had just gotten home for the doctors and a few minutes later a knock came at the door. She opened and he said he was here to unclog the toilet. She was surprised because how did he know about what happened? Well I didn't tell M I did it partly as a surprise and partly I didn't want to work on it. The maintenance man ended up being there for two hours, after having to take the toilet off the floor and putting it in the tub. The object was finally removed with the help of a metal coat hanger. The pen that day was definitely mightier than the sword.

Just a few hours ago M took Adrian to the store to do a mini grocery run. She took Adrian to the potty and afterwards she ran into a co-worker she hasn't seen for a while. While they where talking Adrian ran down the hall where the restroom s where and opened the emergency door. The siren it was loud and suffice to say it scared Adrian a bit. Luckily M knows most of the people there and where somewhat understanding of what happened.

This next topic is as unavoidable as Mt. Everest is to, well the sky. Politics. There I said it. The eight lettered word that has rolled off of every persons tongue at least once in the last few months. Wither its linked to the environment, global warming, medical care, or even the presidential race. We're all entangled in it whether you like it or not. There are the two main parties, you have the old white man most likely planning to follow in his predecessors footsteps, and on the other we have two people who are neck in neck in polls with what seems to be almost identical platforms. Admittedly I could list out, break down, get down to the nitty gritty, but I won't. It's not my job nor is it my place to tell you who to support, who to vote for, or who to believe in. I would encourage you to base what ever your decision is on what you believe and how you feel. Have hope where to be quite honest with you isn't much. Look at what matters most to you, your family, and your community, because at the end of the day those are what is waiting for you at home. So for those of you who wonder where I stand, I stand here with my beliefs, my views. Vote right, vote smart and vote often. I leave you with this. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and provide new Guards for their future security." - Quoted from the Declaration of Independence.

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