Friday, May 28, 2004

Ah, Friday.......

Friday is finally upon us and it couldn't have happened any sooner. Yesterday I went to Hardware Sales to fill out an application. Little did I know it would take almost two hours to complete. During my stay at Hardware Sales it became apparent that they were definitely hiring, especially with someone calling for help in the Electrical Dept. for almost 30 minutes. I just hope I get called back in for an interview. School is school, the photos I put up at the Bellingham Tech Art show will be coming down today at the closing ceremony. It was pretty cool to hear about what the many people had to say about my pictures. M is doing alright, she really hasn't had any morning sickness yet, but she has had her gag reflex tripped by post nasal drip(icky). That, thankfully, is all that has happened so far. I guess she has been pretty fortunate that it hasn't been worse.

Monday, May 24, 2004

It's an Electricians Life

Back at school for this week. Tomorrow all the students from the BTC electrician program will be going down to Seattle for the Seimens Product show. It's where you can go and check out all the new advances and products in the electrical and electronics field. The Seimens Show travels around the country on it's own company's train. And Seattle will be it's last stop on it's country wide tour, so it should be fun. M and I are doing well while we pick and choose names, which has become somewhat fun. If anyone would to check out the web site for the Seimens Show click on the link below.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Sunday Afternoon

It's Sunday afternoon, and for me it's my day to relax from school. For those people who have not been privy to the news of late, my wife and I are going to be parents. Yes that's correct I am going to be a father. We first found out the day before Mother's Day at excatly 5:45 am. I know because I was asleep at the time. At first we where making ourselfs see a negative test, but of course it was not false (both times). We chose to tell our parents on Mother's Day, which we thought would be a nice surpirse for our mothers. When I called my house back east my mom answered the phone. I asked her how she was doing and then asked her "How do you feel about being a grandmother?" She said that it would be nice, and then a few seconds later my dad soouts from the backgound "It's about time!" My folks were very happy for us. Then, it was M's turn. She had to wait till she got home from work to call her parents. She wasn't sure how they take it. When M called her mom answered and said to her mom "happy Grandmother's day!" C said "what?" pause, "what?" and then alittle later "how did that happen?" Which I thought was little silly. So all and all our familys have taken the news pretty good, and are really happy and excited for us. So far everything is going pretty good and it's turning into just another Sunday Afternoon.