Sunday, April 27, 2008

The demise of the independent video store.

I willingly had a hand in the demise of the independent video store.  There is now a self dispensing video rental machine in the Fred Meyer lobby.  It's been there for about two or three months.  It costs one dollar per movie rental per day, and up to fifteen days before it charges the cost of the movie.  After you re-insert the movie back into the machine it then charges you the fee for the rental time.  It is quite handy because I can return the next time I'm in the store.  On less trip to make and saved gas.  I will be the first to admit that I would always go to a local store over a chain any day but this one time was a test to see if it was worth it.  In a way it was but I did miss the human element.  As of now the self dispensing machine is quietly sulking in the darkness waiting for it's opportunity to upsurge the independently owned.  Lets try to keep the upper hand unless they come out with self dispensing gratification machines then we'd be really...... well you get the idea. GO HUMANS, GO!!!!

For those who are interested I rented the new release of I Am Legend, starring Will Smith.  Admittedly I was a little disappointed to find out his name is not Legend.  First off I did like the movie, second for those who haven't seen it can expect a movie sparse of other actors besides Will Smith and some supporting actors.  It is one of those movies that starts in one point of time and goes back to the past to revisit bad memories.  That and extremely brief explanations of what led to Will Smith being all alone on the island of Manhattan.  There is his faithful companion through most of the movie, his 3 year old German Shepherd.  I would recommend watching this movie with the lights turned off and an open mind.  Also in the extra features there are the quasi animated shorts that have to do with the movie's theme.  Here is something to look for in the beginning of the move when Will's character is driving through the city: A Batman & Superman giant sized movie poster with the Superman emblem over the Batman emblem.  Perhaps it's a hint for 2012 of a coming movie?????????????  

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We got some more images of the baby today. We had to check on some things after the last ultrasound. The baby was dancing around when we first got there but by the time we got to take the video clip the baby had gone to sleep. It's still pretty cool to see. The baby is about 2 inches long now. Adrian was excited to see the baby again and when I asked him if he is going to be a good big brother, he responded "no, a gigantic brother!"

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ms. Cole makes a visit.

My friend Nora who was in the BADC with me in high school was in Washington on a work trip came up to visit for the day.  Adrian and I took her on a driving tour around Bellingham.  Our first stop was at Sehome Arboretum.  There was a map that showed all the trails around the arboretum.  In large friendly letters it said "You Are Here" the sign was very helpful. 
After dinner we went for a walk down to Joe's Garden which is about a quarter of a mile away.  I wanted to take a picture of us walk over there so I went to take a picture.  Nora quickly posed as M froze in mid sentence.
This photo and the second photo are not in order, sorry.  Here Adrian was not wanting to walk through the woods to Joe's Garden, and he wanted to go back and take some pictures of the grass and dandelions. 
A quick photo be fore Nora left to go back down to Seattle.  It was nice to catch up on all thats been going on in her life and back east in Maryland.  It was really nice to see her because I hadn't seen her since our trip last May.  I've known her now for ten years now and I hope she is able to came back and visit again soon.  

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This past Saturday and through out this week the Dali Lama is visiting Seattle.  The theme of his visit is called Seeds of Compassion.  On Saturday there was a large gathering at Qwest Field where the Seahawks play during the football season that was televised.  Me being me I forgot about it until there was only a half hour left.  It was an opportunity for me to see the Dali Lama with out driving and paying to get into the venue.  Words can't describe what is was like to see him there in my living room.  When I got to the station that was broadcasting the gathering the first shot I saw was of him with the biggest smile on his face than any other I've seen.  He was smiling and than began to respond to a question that was asked of him.  Every time I see his picture it makes me smile and think of happy thoughts.  Almost like the bumper stickers that say "SMILE" that enviably make you well .... smile.  I stood there and watched and listened intently to every word that he said.  Afterword I had a sense of joy about me.  It may sound weird but it made me happy.  I would encourage you to take a minute and think of the Dali Lama's face and I guarantee it will put a smile on you face. :) 

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Le Raccordement Français = The French Connection

I should note that the previous post was meant to be sincere in the most truest of sense, So below here is the post in English for those who don't know french. I wonder if I should go to work in Quebec as a blogger??????

This has been a rather normal week for us. Adrian is definitely acting his age, and M has continued with the morning sickness. Though she has started some days have feeling alright the oh so familiar nauseous feeling stalks her like the lioness of the african plains stalks a wounded water buffalo. Though one may find this whole morning sickness a bit disturbing, but it is after all a part of nature. She has about a month left of feeling this way and each day I think she wishes it was the next month. Well actually each day it does get closer to next month so..... never mind.  

I have caught a slight cold from who knows who, and now Adrian is sounding congested and is coughing too. M pointed out that when ever Adrian and I get these small colds she alway seems to end up with some sort of flu derivative. Hope fully this time won't be that way (Knock on wood)  

Earlier this week I got home and gotten a voice message on my cell phone. The number as it read off was a 410 area code number. I obviously didn't recognize the number and tried to go through the people that I know who are from Maryland with that area code. I'll tell you there aren't a lot. It turns out to be my friend John's little sister Nora. She was calling to tell me she was going to be in Washington for a week or two and wanted to come up to Bellingham to visit. I've known her for about ten years now and it would be nice to see an old friend again. It turns out that she's been out here 12 times since the first of January this year on business. Which is what she'll be out here the next week and a half for.  

M and I should send out cards warning people visiting us that we are not responsible for them falling in love with the area and consequently moving here.

The Due Date is the 13th of November!!!!!!!!

Le Raccordement Français

After re-discovering one of my favorite websites Babel Fish I have decided to post entirely in french.  Ayez à lui !  (Copy and paste to translate if you so desire)

C'a été une semaine plutôt normale pour nous. Adrian est certainement agissant son âge, et M a continué la maladie de matin. Bien qu'elle ait commencé quelques jours avoir sentir bien le sentiment nauséabond tellement familier de l'OH l'égrappent comme la lionne des tiges de plaines d'Africain que un blessé arrose le buffle. Bien qu'on puisse trouver cette maladie entière de matin un peu déranger, mais lui est après tout une partie de nature. Elle a environ un mois encore de sentir de cette façon et chaque jour je pense elle souhaite que c'ait été le mois suivant. Puits réellement que chaque jour il obtient plus près du prochain esprit de mois ainsi..... jamais. J'ai attrapé léger froid de qui sait qui, et maintenant Adrian retentit encombré et tousse aussi. 

M a précisé que quand jamais Adrian et moi obtiennent ces petits colds elle alway semble finir vers le haut avec une certaine sorte de dérivé de grippe. L'espoir entièrement cette fois ne sera pas que la manière (coups sur le bois) Plus tôt cette semaine j'ai obtenu à la maison et reçu un message de voix à mon téléphone de cellules. Le nombre car il a lu au loin était un nombre d'indicatif régional 410. J'évidemment n'ai pas identifié le nombre et essayé de passer par le peuple que je sais qui sont du Maryland avec cet indicatif régional. Je vous dirai qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup. Il s'avère être la petite soeur Nora de mon John d'ami. Elle appelait pour me dire qu'elle allait être à Washington pour une semaine ou deux et a voulu monter à Bellingham à la visite. 

J'ai su qu'elle pendant environ dix années maintenant et il feraient beaux pour revoir un vieil ami. Il s'avère qu'elle est étée hors d'ici 12 fois depuis le premier janvier cette année sur des affaires. Est ce qui pour ce qu'elle sera hors ici de la semaine suivante et d'une moitié. M et moi devrions envoyer des cartes avertissant des personnes nous rendant visite que nous ne sommes pas responsables d'elles tombant amoureuses du secteur et se déplaçant par conséquent ici.

Nous avons une date due, le 13 novembre !

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Adrian saw these and exclaimed "oh! it is so cute!"

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Bathroom Adventures, Do Not Exit, and My thoughts.

To begin this epic tale we need to turn back the clock to early last week. I was at work and M called me up to tell me how her first doctors appointment went, or so I thought. She was calling to ask me where our mini toilet snake was. I told her that it had fallen behind the washer and dryer. She told me that I'm not going to believe what Adrian did with the toilet. He had taken off the roll of toilet paper and flushed the long plastic spring holder down the toilet. M told me that when I got home I had the task to dig out the snake out from behind the dyer, and get the holder out of the toilet. It occurred to me that was not a task I would enjoy, so I called our apartment manager, and asked if she could help us out. Luckily for me I had called her because she was able to get him to come over. Later that afternoon M called back asking if I had called for the maintenance guy to come over. She had just gotten home for the doctors and a few minutes later a knock came at the door. She opened and he said he was here to unclog the toilet. She was surprised because how did he know about what happened? Well I didn't tell M I did it partly as a surprise and partly I didn't want to work on it. The maintenance man ended up being there for two hours, after having to take the toilet off the floor and putting it in the tub. The object was finally removed with the help of a metal coat hanger. The pen that day was definitely mightier than the sword.

Just a few hours ago M took Adrian to the store to do a mini grocery run. She took Adrian to the potty and afterwards she ran into a co-worker she hasn't seen for a while. While they where talking Adrian ran down the hall where the restroom s where and opened the emergency door. The siren it was loud and suffice to say it scared Adrian a bit. Luckily M knows most of the people there and where somewhat understanding of what happened.

This next topic is as unavoidable as Mt. Everest is to, well the sky. Politics. There I said it. The eight lettered word that has rolled off of every persons tongue at least once in the last few months. Wither its linked to the environment, global warming, medical care, or even the presidential race. We're all entangled in it whether you like it or not. There are the two main parties, you have the old white man most likely planning to follow in his predecessors footsteps, and on the other we have two people who are neck in neck in polls with what seems to be almost identical platforms. Admittedly I could list out, break down, get down to the nitty gritty, but I won't. It's not my job nor is it my place to tell you who to support, who to vote for, or who to believe in. I would encourage you to base what ever your decision is on what you believe and how you feel. Have hope where to be quite honest with you isn't much. Look at what matters most to you, your family, and your community, because at the end of the day those are what is waiting for you at home. So for those of you who wonder where I stand, I stand here with my beliefs, my views. Vote right, vote smart and vote often. I leave you with this. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and provide new Guards for their future security." - Quoted from the Declaration of Independence.