Saturday, October 02, 2004

School, School and even more School.

Well things are going good for M and I. School is working out for me alright, and as I have mentioned before the subjects get complicated really fast. If for some reason that when we are going over a certain lab and you get sidetracked for a minute or so you can easily get lost. The snowball effect is the best analogy for what happens if you get lost with the material, once it happens it's very easy for it to progress.

Since I have gone back to school I have decided to get more involved with the Associated Student Council. I'm now a student represenitive, and on Wednesday I signed up to be on the Teacher Tenure Recomindation Commitee. It sounded like something that would be very interesting to be a part of. Just to give a brief discription of it; we would read trough all the various recomendations sent in and then give our findings to the Student Council. It's funny that it took me almost 8 years since high school to get into something like this, and it turns out it's pretty cool.

Last Monday I volunteered to be a tour guide of my program for the big school wide tour that's going on in October. My friend Chris and I will set up different examples of the different things you learn while in the electrical program. We'll be covering everything from basic electrical circuits to reading voltage, amperes, to wiring a switch and plug to AC and DC motor controls. ( just a sec, need to take a breath) This week I also started my work study program. That means that I will be getting paid to work in the electrical lab and wire up transformers, recepticles, and three phase disconnects. I'm really excited about it all cause I get a chance to do some real hands on work with electrical componants and get paid doing it.

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