Friday, May 27, 2005

A silly moment.

I meant to post this a few weeks ago, but I believe the humor is still there.

M came home for lunch one day and told me that she had done something pretty dumb at work. There are these little LED lights that you can put on your car or bike tire, and they light up when they move and or shake. So on the package of this LED light it says "try me" with a sub title "knock twice and wave" So M being tired and just arriving to work follows the instructions on the box of the LED light. She takes it shakes it twice puts it down and proceeds to wave her hand. She then says "well that doesn't work" talking about the LED light not working. She then realizes that she had just waved her hand and not the LED light, and therefore the LED wouldn't work.

Once she was done telling me this story I told her that she was silly and I chuckled a bit. I still think it was funny.


Anonymous said...

If it helps my case any I didn't acutally put it down before I waved at it...I was just following the instructions! :-)

Anonymous said...

Nope...that doesn't help your case much...;-) But we love you anywave...

C/mo/G/mo & D/fa/G/fa