Monday, May 24, 2004

It's an Electricians Life

Back at school for this week. Tomorrow all the students from the BTC electrician program will be going down to Seattle for the Seimens Product show. It's where you can go and check out all the new advances and products in the electrical and electronics field. The Seimens Show travels around the country on it's own company's train. And Seattle will be it's last stop on it's country wide tour, so it should be fun. M and I are doing well while we pick and choose names, which has become somewhat fun. If anyone would to check out the web site for the Seimens Show click on the link below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi ya. This is Trench. Congrats to the both of you! I heard distant rumblings that you might be working toward this end but I had no idea that it would be this soon. You are going to make great parents! You will have to come see Syrinx and I in Japan, draggin Diego and his family in tow. Congrats and well wishes from Syrinx and I.