Sunday, August 29, 2004

It's Alive! It's Alive!

It's alive! Today was the first time I felt the little man kick. I had put a pair of head phones up to M's tummy and piped some Enya through the head phones. I asked M if she could feel how he was moving to the music. She said that it felt like he was sort of moving his arms back and forth slowly. I told M that I'd like to do some experiments with different types of music. For example;
The Beatles, Dave Brubeck, Van Morrison, Edvard Grieg, even perhaps some light techno, but the essentials first. We probably won't try it for a nother month or so, but I 'm interested to see what happens and how he reacts to the different variations of music.

On Friday evening I went down to the Upfront Theatre which is Ryan Stiles's new little improv theatre downtown. I was given a call by the manager of the theatre to come down and meet the people and get a tour of the space. It's a really nice space, it seats about a hundred or so, and seems to sell out every weekend. When I was down there I really didn't think that I would get to meet Ryan Stiles, beacause he shows up when ever he wants, seeing how he owns the place. So anyway, I was in the lighting /sound booth talking to a person of the visiting improv group from Seattle, when Ryan Stiles pops in and says hi. It sort of cought me off guard, but he was really nice and friendly. When he is visiting he M.C.'s the show. The group that was prefoming that night was very funny, and at the end of the long piece they finish with improv games and thats when Ryan joins in with them. It was all very funny and made it a great ending to a great night. I do plan to go back and volunteer some more cause it was really awsome experience.

So as I sit here pondering away I can only think of one thing,.........Life if pretty good.:-)


Anonymous said...

M really liked Bach and Mozart before, during and after her birth, so I won't be surprised if A likes them as well...and of course Van Morrison! Who could not like him? (D. is less enthused than I am, to tell the truth. :-) M2 tells me that Van M. is playing Prague for the first time on Sept 18, at Phillips Jazz Festival there...not yet clear whether she will go. I'd go in a (Celtic) heartbeat...and I'll bet A would like it too!

Thanks for the updates...Life IS good!



Diego said...

You could always play your radio broadcasts with your voice to the baby, so that he knows your voice. Light techno I wouldn't recommend though. That'll just teach them how to be noisy!

Diego said...

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