Saturday, September 13, 2008

Vivian a.k.a. Emma

A bed time buddy.
Breakfast togeather.
My pirate cat, one of her favorite pastimes.
She'll walk around and then lay down across my shoulders.
A rest after people watching out the window.

It turns out that we where given the wrong name for our new kitty.  Her Real name is Emma, but M, Adrian and I like Vivian instead so we'll be sticking with that.  Today Adrian and I took Vivian to the Whatcom Humane Society (WHS) to get the RF tag put in Vivian and for them to correct the paper work.  When M got home from work she noticed that the WHS had given Viv another rabies shot.  So M called to double check, and sure enough they had, but where reassured that it would not harm her.  Viv is a trip one of the things she like to do is to sit up and lay on my shoulders as I walk around our place.  Pictures are to follow.   

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