Thursday, March 12, 2009

We went on a tour of Mallards Ice Cream Shop a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun and we got to enjoy some tasty treats. These pictures were taken by our friend Rainbow.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Are you smarter than a four year old??? We're not!

Adrian just moments ago came over and announced to us that "the capitol of Burkina Faso is Ouagadougou!" We had to ask him what continent it's on...look it up. He's right!

Busy, busy, busy!

We have had a lot going on recently. M went back to work a few weeks ago, and Kieran started in daycare two days a week. Both are going well, but keeping us very busy. M has updated her flickr page with some more pictures of the boys. They are growing up so fast! We are having a lot of fun. Adrian is such a good big brother and Kieran is about as relaxed and easy going as they come.