Adrian playing with the animal blocks that his Uncle Brian and Aunt Kathy got him. You can mix and match the head and tails on the various animal blocks. While I was working on the computer he shouted out ZEBRA! I turned around and he was holding out the zebra block all together, he was so proud of himself it was cute.
Here's M and Adrian after our walk around Lake Padden today. I am very much out of shape when it comes to walking. It was good for me. As you can see Adrian fell asleep 3/4 of the way around the lake. We had alot of fun and it gave M and I a chance to catch up with each other.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Here he is thinking about climbing up this ladder. He chose not to but his friend Twain ended up climbing up it.
Adrian at Fairhaven Park last Friday with the Mom's Club play Group. He was having a blast until it was time to leave.
I'm originally from Baltimore, Maryland and I've been living here in the Pacific Northwest with my wife for the past twelve years now. In 2005 I graduated from the Bellingham Technical College majoring in the field of Electrician. My wife and I have two boys who are now 7 and 3. We also have two dogs and two cats. I currently am working for a local online based retailer. I still try to do some theater every now and then for my friends' theater company in Seattle. It's a good Life and that's why it's our new life.