I sort of miss those days of having a job and being able to say stuff like "oh I know what you mean, or, I had the same thing happen to me at my work." Right now it seems to me that having a job and getting a rather nice income would be wonderful, but the trick is to find that particular job that gets you the rather nice income. Perhaps I am scared of finding and getting a job, and not being able to do what I what to do when I want to. No, I'm probably not scared, but a little jealous of my friend who do have jobs, and especially of the ones who make a lot!!! M and I have talked about me going out for the local Electrical Union which is based out of Mt. Vernon. I've thought about going into the Low Voltage/ Sound wiring program. I'd have to go through their training program which ends up being three years. Which when you think about it isn't that bad when you think about the fact that you'll be learning a brand new skill. I don't know.............I'd really like to do the theatre thing full time or at least enough so I could help support M going back to school. The whole BROWN BOX complex thing is great but it involves so many different channels to get paid it's almost not even worth getting paid at all. I'm sick and tired of just bull shooting that it's like I've given up all hope of ever finding anything.
So if anyone of my friends are reading this and would like to help me out please call or write. It's still very, very, very frustrating not having a job when you go to school, have a great wife and son, and still have bum luck making it all work. Where's your new jobs when you need it, eh' GW??!!!?!?!?!?