Sunday, September 19, 2004

A New Class In It's Self

Well folks, it's finally here, a new semester of school. I started back on this last Thursday and the first class only lasted 1 hour 45 min. It was basically everyone just catching up with each other, but I must admit it was fun to just sit and talk instead of getting back to just book work. On Friday we started in on the book work and we had a short lecture. For those who don't know what I'm studying in school I shall enlighten you. I'm enrolled in the Electrician program at The Bellingham Technical College. It's a two year program but technically it's only a year and three months long. I'm certainly in my 4th quarter out of a total of 5 quarters. When I finish I'll graduate with a A.A.S(Applied Associates Science) Degree. I'll be finishing up at the end of next March, but won't actually graduate till June, that's when the college holds their entire graduation.

This quarter we get to work on and with DC (Direct Current) and AC (Alternating Current) motors and generators. The class has been split up in 6 groups of 2 and each group is assigned three motor labs to complete and present to the entire class. I don't want to get too technical cause it can be a little confusing if your not familiar with the terms and electrical theory. Here is one example, it's the first lab that I have to complete and present with my friend Paul from class. First, we have a lab book that tells us what excitement we need for the lab, and then it tells you how to arrange them on the floor pan. Then it show you a motor schematic and then you have to connect the different components on the motors in certain ways ie. in series or parallel. So that they accomplish a desired effect on how the motor operates, and how you read the voltage and ampere outputs. Also you have to add different resistances, shunt fields, coils, and such all to see how it effects the out puts. It's all quite interesting, but you can't fully understand it unless you have all the theory understood. All that took until now to fully comprehend, but what you don't realize is at the time your learning quite a lot. Pretty cool huh?

The Electrician program at the Technical College has a 80 percent placement rate after graduation. The other 20 percent happens either before or a couple of months after graduation. Can't really say that about actual big colleges. I feel that I'm pretty lucky in that aspect. One of the jobs I've been thinking about going into is Low Voltage Security Systems Installations. Reason being is that I designed my own last quarte as some of you might already know, so hopefully that will work out in some form or another.

I finally really felt Adrian kick around in M the other night. All it took was for us to shine a small flash light through M's tummy to wale him up and move around. It's a pretty cool feeling to actually feel him moving around. We also had our first Birthing class last Tuesday evening. It turned out to be alot of fun, we met a lot of really nice people who are due with in a month of us. At first I was nervous about going to the class, maybe because of meeting new people I didn't know and sharing the feelings of having a baby. I mean to a certain point it seems a bit personal to share what your experiencing. After I got over that I just relaxed and enjoyed my self and so did M. It's a six week long class which is good because I want to learn as much as possible be fore the little man makes his big appearance. It's all so I can feel the most valuable during the delivery ,cause to be honest most dads feel quite useless during that time.

M and I where talking one day about when we're in the hospital, and she says to me that I will be in the room with her during the delivey. I said, with a little smile on my face, "of course I will be,......... passed out on the ground" She immediately shot me (THE LOOK) and I told her reassuringly "I'll be there don't worry."

One quick thought. I'm listening to the Soundtrack to the movie Garden State, there is this song by a group that's called Frou Frou and the song's name is "Let Go". It a pretty awesome song. Well so is the movie, if you haven't seen it DO! It's not too often a great movie like that comes around. Who knew that JD from Scrubs could write and direct such an awesome film, and to be produced by Danny Devito's production company Jersey Films. This album has a lot of great songs by some great artists on it, for instance there's Zero 7, Coldplay, Nick Drake, The Shins and many others. Even if you haven't seen the film the album is good enough to stand on it's own.

One last item of business, for those that would like to contact us at or you can either check out and get that email address off of there or you might be able to find another one at if not try another route. Hope that helps some what.

Well that's all for now, catch you on the flip side.

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