Tuesday, June 01, 2004

It's a Good Day

Today we went to meet the Nurse Mid Wife for the first time. She turned out to be a really nice and friendly person. We talked about when around the baby will be due. The nurse used a pregnacy wheel to determine the approx. date, from what we figured the baby will be born somewhere between January 6th and the 10th. It's all really exciting! When we got home we found that we had three new messages on the answering machine. The first message was from Quick Silver Photo Lab. The meassage was asking me if I would be interested in a part-time Job!! I couldn't beleave what I was hearing, because I had filled the application out over a year ago. So I called Quick Silver back as soon as the message ended. Their answering machine picked up and then someone actually answered, and I left a message with them. So hopefully I can get the job and work over the summer and save some money. Ah yes before I forget I would like to thank Diego for the heads up on the job at Mt. Baker. Thank You!

1 comment:

Diego said...

You're welcome about the job thing. Sounds all very exciting!